Welcome to the samurai action blog. The samurai films in Japan are like the Western film of the United States. Both were once very popular, but not as much now. Both themes pop up every so often bringing up the hopes for some sort of revival, but that has not yet happened. In 2010, I published a book, titled, Sword of the Undead, which re-told Bram Stoker's novel, Dracula, with a samurai twist. (Click here for excerpt)

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Zombies and ninjas

I just finished writing a short story about zombies attacking a commuter light rail train in Los Angeles, and the ninja, Kaze no Katsumi (which turns out to be my alter-ego, in the story) has to save the commuters.

It is available on Amazon Kindle. Please check out Zombie Brawl, or Rants and Raves of a MAss Transit Commuter the Day the Zombies Attacked the Train

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